New Podcast Installment: SpoolCast #2
As you may have noted in an earlier post, I'm part of a panel podcast that is geared toward user experience practitioners...called the "Spoolcast". The latest installment (#2) is just coming out now, and I must say I think it'll be enjoyable and thought-provoking for those in the "user experience biz". We engage in some light-hearted joking and debate, while actually talking about some serious UX and usability topics.
About Spoolcast #2:
Recorded September 11, 2006, we discuss dream panels, CUE studies, whether we’re an engineering discipline or a craft, the value of heuristic evaluations, and whether we should learn anything from Facebook’s recent loss of face.
(Note, each session is being released in four parts. Parts 1 and 2 of session #2 are online already...more to follow.)
Make a comment here or send me email to let me know what you think of the latest podcast installment.
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